McCullin: documentar dur, interesant, educativ, incredibil
Zilele trecute va recomandam, prin intermediul paginii de Facebook, un documentar care a avut un impact mare in mintea mea.
Caracterizarea facuta de "The Guardian" suna cam asa "McCullin became what the French call a baroudeur, a man obsessively drawn to combat, but not in an exploitative, sensationalist way. Though there is a deal of newsreel material in the Morrises' documentary and valuable comments on photojournalism by Harry Evans, former editor of the Sunday Times, what dominates the film are the black-and-white still images. They engrave themselves on our minds, and McCullin talks about them with great feeling and frankness. Nowadays he devotes himself to recording the British countryside, though since this film was made he's visited the civil war in Syria"
Am reusit sa gasesc o parte din el pe YouTube, chiar daca nu e la super calitate. Am auzit ca se gasesc si alte metode mai putin ortodoxe de a face rost de el integral si la super calitate, dar NU va...