Imbratisaza natura: sentimentul de turma si viata unei sardine de metrou

Imbratisaza natura: sentimentul de turma si viata unei sardine de metrou

Zilele trecute am vazut un documentar foarte fain la recomandarea unui prietn (Igu) - Antarctica, a year on ice. Nu documentarul in sine m-a facut sa scriu articolul asta, desi e bine facut si are niste imagini de sta matza in coada ... Nope, ultimele fraze rostite de omul care l-a facut rezoneaza puternic cu ce imi trece prin minte de cativa ani incoace, de fiecare data cand ma intorc in oras dupa o experienta Wild Thing. Anthony Powell, caci despre el este vorba, revine acasa dupa ce isi termina contractul de 1 an in Antarctica si zice cam asa: "One of the things I recall in the process of reacclimatising to society, was a Monday morning - probably 08:30 in the morning, and I'm stuck in traffic. I remember looking at all the cars around me, everybody is in the grind of their world and I can't help but look at everybody else and think - they're cattle. It's just one big...
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